Portland, OR | (503) 244-9394


Getting behind the wheel is a big step for most teens. If your youngster is old enough to drive, check out this post by Weaver Synthetics in Portland for tips on how to teach a teenager to drive.

The thought of your teen behind the wheel may seem daunting as a parent. And understandably so, since the responsibility of operating a vehicle is immense. However, we can't keep our children from learning how to drive forever. Plus, having them become drivers can be quite helpful in certain circumstances. For instance, if you can no longer drive them everywhere or if they're about to go off to college. In any case, the best thing you can do is help them get the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the roads safely. Considering the above, this post will walk you through essential tips on how to teach a teenager to drive. So, pay attention to the following guidelines to set your child up for lifelong safe driving habits!

Don't settle for low-quality products when it comes to your vehicle's performance. Choose the best synthetic oil and experience improved fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and more. Call Weaver Synthetics at (503) 244-9394 or stop by AMSOIL's online store to order the top synthetic oil in Portland.

How to Teach a Teenager to Drive

Start in a Safe Environment

The first step is to find a safe place where your teen can start to practice. Empty parking lots are a great option, but you can also take your child to quiet residential areas. Once there, help them become familiar with the vehicle first. They need to know where all the controls are, such as the brakes, accelerator, and turn signals. Then, teach them basic driving maneuvers, such as starting, stopping, parking, or changing lanes. As they become more confident, encourage them to drive on busier roads. That way, they'll gain more practice and confidence behind the wheel.

Emphasize Defensive Driving

Teach your child to drive defensively by instilling good habits from the beginning. Emphasize the importance of them being alert to their surroundings. Also, teach them to keep a safe distance and watch the road for potential hazards.

Practice in Various Conditions

Driving in different weather conditions and times of day is crucial to building your teen's confidence at the wheel. Once they feel comfortable driving in rain, snow, or fog, take them to practice. Additionally, you can encourage them to drive during rush hour and at night.

Keep your engine running at its best by supplying it with advanced oil formulas, such as AMSOIL's Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil. To order this and other premium products, call Weaver Synthetics in Portland at (503) 244-9394 or visit AMSOIL's online shop anytime.

Address Common Distractions

Distracted driving is one of the biggest hazards for teen drivers today. In light of this, teach your child to avoid distractions like texting, eating, and drinking while driving. Don't forget to set a good example by avoiding these distractions yourself.

Teach Proper Vehicle Maintenance

Another way to keep your teen safe behind the wheel is by teaching them proper vehicle maintenance. Doing so will ensure not only reliable rides but the longevity of their car as well. You can teach them basic tasks such as checking the oil and tire pressure, what to do in case of a breakdown, etc.

Model Safe Driving Habits

Whenever you're behind the wheel, model safe driving habits for your teen. This includes wearing a seatbelt, using turn signals, and obeying traffic laws. Also, avoid speeding, aggressive driving, and road rage.

Enroll Your Teen in a Driver's Education Course

Completing a state-approved driver's education program is mandatory to get a driver's license in Oregon. In that vein, consider enrolling your youngster in a driving course. Through these programs, teens can learn fundamental skills to become safe drivers. Some topics covered include traffic laws, defensive driving techniques, etc.

Talk About the Consequences of Unsafe Driving

Discussing the potential outcomes of reckless driving with your child is essential. It's vital to highlight the consequences, including minor crashes and deadly accidents. It is also crucial to emphasize that driving is a privilege, not a right, so great responsibility is required.

Are you tired of having to change your oil frequently? Switch to the best synthetic oil in Portland and enjoy longer oil service intervals. For advice on what formulas and products suit your engine, talk to the oil pros at Weaver Synthetics at (503) 244-9394. Want to discover all the top-shelf products that AMSOIL has to offer? Check out our online store!